Friday, 27 July 2012

Basic Nail Care Tips for Perfect Nails

Basic Nail Care Tips for Perfect Nails

Beautiful hands and nails are one of the noticeable features in the beauty of overall personality. Though, amid busy routines, sometimes we forget to take proper nail care, but well-kept hands with neat clean and healthy nails are always a pleasure to behold and a sign of beauty. In order to keep your nails beautiful, basic nail care tips are important for your nails. The basic nail care tips are in fact simple steps for maintaining the beauty of your hands and nails. Healthy nails are always a symbol of beauty. Through proper nail care routine you will able to enjoy the desirable and gorgeous hands and nails.
Following are some simple nail care tips that you can follow on a regular basis to maintain the beauty of your nails.
The most important step in the nail care routine is to protect them from damage. 
  • In order to maintain beauty of your nails, one should avoid submerging them in water for a long period of time. Moisture can be very damaging for the beauty of your nails as it can weaken them, which eventually result in splitting breaking and peeling nails
  • While following proper nail care routine, one should also protect nails from harsh chemicals. To take care of your nails’ beauty, try to use milder acetone-free nail polish removers and limit the usage of remover, as they can dry out your nails.
  • For nail care routine, it is important for you to avoid your nails as tools in opening containers, bottles, letters and cans. 
Polishing nails can work out as one of the smartest nail care tips, as it makes you nails a little more resistant to water. The application of nail polish does play an important role in proper nail care. Wearing nail polish not only acts as a fashion accessory, but it also helps in providing a protective layer for your nail care. Before applying nail polish, it is important for you to clean, trim, file and buff your nails to enhance their beauty and to create a smooth surface. 
One of the easiest nail care tips is to take proper prevention steps before your nails got damaged. 
  • In order to take proper nail care, always try to wear gloves while washing dishes, gardening and doing other house tasks. 
  • Eating a healthy diet is also one of the important nail care tips, which can do wonders in your nail care routine. 
  • For proper nail care routine, proper blood flow in your fingers is also important. To do so, massage your nails with hand cream, which will also enhance the beauty of your hands and nails.

Smart Bridal Shoes Selection for Your Wedding

Smart Bridal Shoes Selection for Your Wedding

Who does not want to look gorgeous on her wedding day?  After all the wedding day is the most important day in a girl’s life. And the more important thing for the bride is to steal the show with her attire. There is no doubt in the fact that the bride steals the show since it’s her day but the dress, jewelry, make up and finally the bridal shoes are something that have to be perfectly selected so that there is not even a single flaw in how you look on your very special day.
Choosing the perfect bridal shoes surely is the tricky part when it comes to the bride’s attire. While selecting the best bridal shoes one should keep in mind that the bridal shoes are to be worn for a very long time on your wedding day so, checking the comfort level of the bridal shoes is way too important.
There is a wide range of bridal shoes with various designs to choose from. Keep in mind your bridal dress while you are out shopping for your bridal shoes since it is necessary that your bridal shoes match your dress too.
Do not opt for very flashy or expensive shoes but go for the cost effective ones that will be wearable for you later on.  Bridal shoes with straps and nice heels and colors like gold, bronze and silver are the best and safest options for you. You can also get a grab on tones like ivory if your dress is towards the simpler side. Try to keep it simple and according to your wedding theme and especially your bridal dress. Don not experiment with your bridal shoes.
In Pakistan one can easily select the perfect bridal shoes at desirable rates. Classy bridal shoes with beads and stones give the most elegant look to the bride. There are certain companies that specialize in Pakistani bridal shoes which include Samia Azmay ShehzadaHunerTehxeeb and many others. Not only heels but flats like khussas are also loved by girls who are getting married. On wedding functions like mehndi and mayoon they prove to look classy and traditional.
So, get your perfect bridal shoes by keeping the above mentioned points in mind and you are sure to glamorize your wedding day!

Skin Care in Winter

Skin Care in Winter

Winter skin care becomes more important since theskin becomes more prone to break-outs. Skin care in Pakistan keeping the weather in mind is not that difficult if you just follow the right steps to take care of your skin and use the right products.
As the winter approaches, your skin starts drying out and fine lines start appearing soon after. This is the first indication that your skin is calling for extra care. To stay silky and smooth all over, you need to make a few changes in your regime and follow a few simple steps.
  • Stop using oil-free products
For good winter skin care, whatever skin type is that you have, winter is not the right time to use those oil-free products. They absorb most of the natural oil and make the skin look duller in the winter, while your skin needs that extra oil in the winter season for good.
  • Switch to oil-based moisturizers
Skin care in Pakistan is incomplete without mentioning the importance of moisturizers. You need to moisturize your skin all year long, but it really becomes essential that you switch your moisturizer to oil-based formulas in the winter season. Your winter skin care regime should include these products on a regular basis.
  • Use Almond oil
Almond oil works wonders when it comes to your winter skin care tips. Almond oil is a wonderful natural moisturizer for all skin types and it keeps the moisture locked in the skin and prevents drying or any break-outs. You can even use it onacne prone skin.
  • Don’t forget your sunscreen
The importance of using the sunscreen never lessens even in the winter season. Never go out in the sun without wearing the sunscreen. However, an oil-based formula will do well for the winter skin care in Pakistan.
  • Avoid hot water baths
Hot water will dry out all the moisture in your skin and will make all your skin more rough and dull. Always use warm water for bathing and, as one of the great winter skin care tips, it is even better if you add a few drops of almond oil to the water.
  • Exfoliation
The winter season in Pakistan, as we know it, is mostly dry and cold which makes exfoliation essential for the skin carein Pakistan. The upper most layer of the skin is very thin and dries out rapidly due to the dryness in the weather. It then, appears as tiny flakes on the skin. So it is necessary to remove those flakes keeping the skin hydrated and soft. Exfoliate your skin regularly especially before wearing makeup.
  • Hydrate your body
Don’t forget to take as much water intake as your body requires. Drinking water is not only necessary during the summers but in winters as well. It will reflect in your skin and your skin will keep on detoxifying properly.

How To Look Beautiful This Winter

How To Look Beautiful This Winter.

Chilly, freezing and dead winter is ahead with all of its dryness. The flaky and irritable skin, chapped lips, cracked heals, wrinkles and dandruff are the gifts everyone is sure to take. Following are the most useful and easy to follow Pakistani beauty tips that are sure to help you fight against the frosty winter.
  1. The very first in winter beauty tips is to wear a suitable sunscreen the whole day long, even when you are home. Sounds strange?? The most cloudy and non sunny days even ask for a full spectrum sun screen as there are few radiations coming from sun that can harm your skin in winters. The UVA rays can go through glass even. So staying home doesn't mean leaving your skin exposed. This is the most important amongst the beauty tips for winteras it helps preventing skin diseases.
  2. Second important in Pakistani beauty tips is to say no to all kinds of acidic products and astringents during winters. Winter beauty tips point towards mild and skin friendly moisturizers which prevent the skin from getting dry and irritable.
  3. The best among beauty tips for winter is to apply a mixture of rose water and glycerin (1:1 volume / volume) all over the body as it helps retaining the moisture of your skin. Pakistani beauty tips are usually cost efficient and so is this. There are not any known side effects for using this simple home remedy.
  4. Avoid long and hot showers. Try to minimize your showering time and be gentle while rubbing your body skin. Winter beauty tips point that by doing so, you might be peeling off the outer protective layer of the skin. Hot water is sure to make your body moisture sap leaving the skin even drier and flaky.
  5. Another among the basic beauty tips for winter is that use moisturizing and mild soaps. soaps with strong perfumes, or anti bacterial ingredients can make your skin dry and sensitive.
  6. Try to keep up the humidity content in your environment. By placing a steaming bowl in any of the room corners can help keeping the moisture level of the room intact. According to Pakistani beauty tips, you can place a bowl full of water near your gas heaters.
  7. A must mention in the list of beauty tips for winter is to drink as much water as you can. It will keep the skin hydrated.
  8. Winter beauty tips ask for hot drinks containing flavonoids as they are a must during winters. They impart a glow to your skin for being the best antioxidants.
  9. It’s not only the face which needs to be taken much care of during winters rather your hands and feet also deserve to be suggested some beauty tips for winter. For instance, a good and soothing manicure and pedicure, regular massage with moisturizer. etc.
  10. For chapped lips, the most useful and simple beauty tips for winter say that go for vitamin E based lip balm and apply it several times a day and especially before going to bed.
  11. Blood circulation slows down when it is cold, so you must provide regular massage for your skin in circular motion so that the blood flow fastens, leaving your skin repaired and fresh.
  12. Avoid using strong shampoo and make sure that conditioners and scalp moisturizers are a must during winter as they help preventing dandruff.
We hope the aforesaid Pakistani beauty tips for winter would help you restoring your beauty and looking younger even during the dead winter!!

Use of Eye Drops in Excess

Use of Eye Drops in Excess

With the increasing knowledge of everything, we try to look after and cure our problems ourselves. According to us, we are ‘taking care’ of ourselves, but often that care can lead to very serious issues if proper care is not taken. Very sensitive body parts are caused to suffer if we do self medication, or our too lazy to even check the prescription. Eye, one of the most essential and sensitive part of the body needs special care too.Eye care is something very essential, and we should always try to protect our eyes from the harmful things. Here are some necessary eye care tips for you so that proper eye care can be done without facing any problem.
What we usually do when it comes to eye care is that, for instance we have mild redness in our eyes; we go and get a grab on our eye drops. We do not even stop and think that instead of taking care of the eye we are damaging it. Now how are we damaging it is the question! Eye drops are not the cure of everything that is related to the eyes. It is a huge misconception in our society regarding eye care tips that by using eye drops, our eyes will instantly feel fresh and healthy. 
Eye care needs special attention and for that, whenever you feel something wrong with your eyes, it is best to consult with a good eye specialist. Taking risk with eye care is not a good idea at all. 
Another misconception about eye care regarding eye drops is that we believe a single eye drop will not do us any harm and it is perfect to use it whenever we feel some allergy in our eyes. This concept is so wrong that we are not even aware of the consequences we would have to face regarding our eyes. The eye drops contain different ingredients and not all the ingredients are perfect for the type of eye care you need or your allergy. It is best not to use the eye drops without the prescription of the doctor and it is one of the most essential eye care tips
Another eye care tip is that once you are prescribed the eye drops by the doctor; make sure you read the literature of the eye drops once you get them. You might get to know the ingredients and that can also save you from any further allergy related to any of the ingredients. Excessive use of eye drops can make you addicted to them and that certainly is not good for your eyes. Make sure you do not use used eye drops because some eye diseases and allergies are contagious and you can catch them. Making use of the eye drops for everyday eye care is not good at all and never make it a habit because many other diseases like nausea, head ache, pains in the body, dizziness and weakness can also start due to the overuse of the eye drops.
Rubbing the eyes and not washing them with cold water regularly is totally against the eye care tips and in order to keep this precious gift of God healthy, eye care is very important. Make sure you are taking care of the eyes and looking after them properly. Follow the above mention eye care tips and your eyes will feel great!

Age doesn't matter anymore

Age doesn't matter anymore

A lot of women hide their age because of many reasons. We all want to look young for the rest of our lives. But the fact is that age comes with a package. Women start getting wrinkles around their eyes and the skin is not firm anymore. Anti-aging is one cosmetic which solves multiple problems at the same time. Some people have a preconceived notion that these cosmetics are not good for skin and have side effects. The market is doing really well as compared toanti-aging creams are concerned. Women start using these creams after the age of 40 and it works well for them. These creams give you the perfect opportunity to choose your own age instead of hiding your actual age.
Anti-aging creams have a lot of benefits such as they help in firming the skin around eyes and face. One of the best features is that they prevent skin from aging in the future. These creams can be really helpful inrevitalizing your skin. They eliminate all the features of lines and wrinkles giving you a fresh look. Also helps in firmness and elasticity of skin. These creams not only work for the skin but also for the lips and make them pouty and plumped up. Anti-wrinkle creams also bleach the appearance of age spots and dark circles. The components of these cosmetics are great and contain the required vitamins as well.

There are a lot of these cosmetics available in the market. Cosmetic brands have taken out their entire range of anti-aging creams such as Pond and Olay and they are great. Make sure you buy these products according to your skin type.

Winter Hair Care

Winter Hair Care

With winter just around the corner, it is high time we indulged in some basic hair care tips for the chilly and nippy season so that you should be prepared for all the bitter winds and bracing cold that the season has to offer. It goes without saying that the winter weather wreaks havoc on your hair and one can never be too prepared for the gloomy and dismal state our hair fallinto during this season. Hair tends to be dry, dull and brittle during this season and proper measures need to be taken to ensure safe and dry-free hair. 
Below are a few pointers that will help you maintain good healthy happy hair during the freezing season ahead of us:
  • One basic guide to healthy hair during winters: condition, condition, condition! Cold and dry weather saps moisture out of hair so an effective way of maintaining moisture is to use an effective hair conditioner.
  • A definite no-no during winters is the use of heating appliances such as blow-dryers, straightening irons and curling rods. The use of these appliances dries hair more.
  • To avoid your hair being exposed to the sun, try covering it up every time you go outside. Sun can be as damaging in winters as it is in summers so be sure to cover your hair with a scarf, hat or cap every time you go out.
  • Avoid washing your hair with excessively hot water. It will result in further drying your hair. Instead wash your hair with cold or warm water for shiny smooth hair all year round.
  • Avoid shampooing too often. In winter the scalp as well as the hair dry easily and shampooing it too often might worsen the situation.
  • A leave-in conditioner is the most effective for dry, brittle hair during this season. If not, try conditioning your hair on a daily basis.
  • Try using Hair products with the word "Replenish" written on it, as they are meant to provide moisture to your hair.
  • Also, don’t leave your hair loose much often. Try up-do’s this winter as much as you can in order to avoid damaging hair strands.
  • One last thing not to forget during the winters is to massage the scalp and hair with oil. Oiling hair friendly herbs make the hair look shinier and sleeker.
Therefore, these simple tips in the winter season will ensure a beautiful and exquisite winter for you minus all the bad hair days and sticky situations. Happy winters!

The Stylish Gloves Beat Chilling Winters!

The Stylish Gloves Beat Chilling Winters!

Winters are the stuck season which means if you don’t pack yourself well you won’t be able to work. Yes, we are pointing towards your hands which are mostly exposed to work. You can save your hand’s beauty by picking some stylish gloves.
Stylish gloves are one of the best personal investments you can make. It gives your hands a good look, protects it from harsh winter effects and chillness. Many women complain that they don’t prefer to weargloves because of it oldies style giving them very old and typical looks, well lady you should be glad to know that now your very worry is over. Here is the range of enchanting and cozy warm gloves giving you best stylish desired looks.
Black woolen Stripped Gloves
Yes this is for you. This sober looking stylish glove is having black color. It is made up of wool and still very light. It has zigzag patterns on it. The best thing about this stylish gloves is that it have the long necks means it can not only protect your hands but your wrist too.
The bright red gloves
The bright red gloves are also made up of light wool. It is warm and cozy. Its color is so bright that we recommend it for you to be worn on shopping on a rainy day or any other outdoor casual meeting. The bright colored red gloves are also having pipelined yellow borders making it look more lively and youthful. This stylish gloves are a must have in winters.
Blocked Colored Gloves
This stylish pair of gloves it’s really amazing. It is made up of elastic wool, that’s why it is warm and still light. This is also called the stylish gloves for driving in winters. Its main specialty is its block patterns. Each pattern having separate colors .like the blocks on fingers of gloves are having teal color and the area at gloves palm is having the red color. The nails are having yellow colors but the main parent color is dark blue. This looks fun in dull environment of winters. The stylish glove for this winter you must have.
Zebra Gloves
Yeah Zebra Gloves resembles to the pattern drawn on animal Zebra, which is definitely having colors black and white. These gloves can be worn while wearing a black outfit like black jacket with black or brown jeans. The zebra gloves are unique and when your worn it people will throw the words of appreciation for sure, all the stylish gloves we have mentioned here will make your fingers looking good…It’s our bet!!

Spa Trend in Pakistan

Spa Trend in Pakistan

Spa is one of the most relaxing activities where you spend time eyes closed putting your daily stresses to a side. Today our lives have become more stressful than they ever was, financial stress, work stress and what not. A spa can give you an hour of relaxation which will be very positive for you. It is just a medium to let out your stresses.
Spa trend in Pakistan has also picked up a lot of pace. We see many spas opening up providing world class facilities. It is worth spending some money on you after a week or a month long stressful routine that includes work and home. The spas in Pakistan offer a variety of massages that can relax your body. The ambiance of these spas is truly amazing with the right kind of an environment to relax. Dim lights, candle lights, soothing music and a range of manicure and pedicures is what spas offer in Pakistan. A monthly visit to a spa will be really positive for you and your body because it needs to relax too.

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money in a spa then home spa is the best idea. Spa trend in Pakistan widely includes the trend of home spas. For a home spa you need very basic things such as scented candlesspa music, beauty products. You can easily take out an hour from your schedule and relax with the right music and the scented candles are very soothing. A hot bubble bath would be perfect for a home spa. There are many home spa kits available in Pakistan too which includes everything from candles to the spa music CD.

Spa is a must for you whether a proper spa visit of home spa.

Makeup for Green Eyes

Makeup for Green Eyes

If you are amongst those fortunate ladies who have gorgeous green eyes, then you can make your eyes look even more beautiful by just using the right kind of green eye makeup for your eyes. Knowing the right shades and techniques for your gorgeous greens can surely make you stand out in your circle.

Pakistani eye makeup is so versatile that you can pick the right style that suits you the best and can go with your manner at all occasions. We are going to help you with your green eye makeup guide so that it will become easier for you to pick the right choice for your beautiful green eyes.

• Colors you should use
Using the right shade of makeup can bring out your eyes instantly. Mostly, warm colors like deep purples, plums, mauves and lilacs are great choices for green eyes. Golds, bronzes, coppers, browns also look wonderful as Pakistani green eye makeup. You can experiment with different shades of browns to give beautiful effect to your eyes. They would look wonderful for glamorous evening eye makeup. Deep greens, medium pinks, peaches, and apricots are also excellent choices for green eye makeup guide.

• Colors you should avoid
All shades of blue color never go with green eyes. They give a very washed-out look to green eyes. Purples with blue undertone will also not look good in green eye makeup.
Silver is also the wrong choice for green eye makeup guide.
As for the pinks, many shades of pink can look good and many can go bad, you should try and see for yourself what shades of pink go with your eyes.

• Eyeliner for green eyes
Pakistani eye makeup never looks complete without the eyeliner. Black eyeliner will look harsh on green eyes. Use different shades of browns instead. They will bring out your green eye makeup instantaneously.

• Mascara for your gorgeous greens
Even if you have dark hair tone, you should avoid dark black mascara. Dark tones of brown would look wonderful for your green eye makeup.

• Other tips and techniques
Don’t go with heavy makeup on green eyes. Always try to apply soft and subtle green eye makeup.
Pakistani eye makeup for green eyes looks even more gorgeous if you pick up the right shades and blend them well. It is very important to keep the application soft and blend properly to give a gorgeous look to your green eyes.

An important green eye makeup guide is to stay away from the dramatic color palettes. Excess use of dark colors for green eyes will look too messy.

For green eye makeup, always use warm colors and stay away from cool colors.
Always keep in mind your skin tone and the color of blush and lipstick while selecting the colors for your green eyes.

The Charisma of Stylish Dresses

The Charisma of Stylish Dresses

Dress is the most important element of your personality. A beautiful and stylish dress is the only item which makes your first impression a last one. Suppose you are going to a party and you are wearing nice Jewellery, do perfect make up, your style andfashion accessories and shoes are all perfect but your dress…… your dress is not much beautiful and doesn’t compliment with other things you wear, then all your efforts to look gorgeous and beautiful go in vein.
Beauty and style dresses are the only items which enhance your beauty and style and also grab the attention of others. Not only this, these beauty and style dresses make you an apples’ eye of the occasion and other ladies get jealous from you. So,beauty and style dresses are very important to have a beautiful and a complete look.
Now a day, because of new fashion arrivals andbeauty and style dresses ideas, you can easily get beauty and style dresses for you. Number of fashion designers and style gurus launch their beauty and style dresses range. The fabric, texture, design and color of these beauty and style dresses grab your attention at once. Beside this, you can also get help from fashion websites and beauty and style dresses magazines to improve your dressing sense and fill your wardrobe with latest beauty and style dresses.
Here are some latest beauty and style dresses ideas for you to look different, elegant and dashing. Remember, good and beautiful dressing also gives you confidence and satisfaction so be conscious while choosing beauty and style dresses.
Beauty and style dresses:
As winter season is approaching nearer so you must choose your beauty and style dresses according to season and weather.
  • Bold, block colors line up with trendy cuts are the latest trend and style. Mid length skirts, long flip flopwavy style tunics and crochet dresses are the latest beauty and style dresses.
  • For a casual and hip hop look, crochet cami top with printed crochet tights, sneakers and stripy socks are a perfect choice.

  • Beads, sequins, flairs and beautiful lace on long shirts and tunics are still in demand and ranked number one among young girls in their choice of beauty and style dresses.
  • Leather skirts and papped texture jackets are yet another beauty and style dresses specially to wear in winter season.
Try some of these latest beauty and style dresses and look amazing and beautiful even in winter season.

How to Treat Toe Nail Fungus

How to Treat Toe Nail Fungus

Our body needs a lot of attention and it is necessary for us to take care of each and everything of our body. From big to little things, it is important to take good care of yourself and stay healthy. However, sometimes our body parts get affected by certain viruses, bacteria and fungi which can later on turn into a disease. It is highly important for us to prevent ourselves from such diseases and get ourselves treated as soon as possible.
One such thing is the toe nail fungus which is quite a common problem in men and women both. The toenail fungus destroys the toe nail completely and also discolors it. In some cases, nail fungus causes pain. The main cause for toe nail fungus is the special type of fungi that grow on moist areas of your body especially the toe nail.
Nail fungus can occur if the feet are not properly dried after washing them or by wearing shoes that do not let air pass through them. The nail fungus is more common in adults as compared to children. Women who apply nail polish more often and do not take it off also get toe nail fungus. The toenail fungus is contagious as it can easily spread from one person who has it to the other.
It is wrong to say that the toe nail fungus is not curable. Nail fungus is absolutely curable if proper care is taken. If signs of toe nail fungus start to appear, start wearing open and airy shoes like flip flops and sandals and completely avoid wearing closed shoes. Avoid wearing socks for sometime as sweat causes more fungus to grow. Keep your feet dry at all times because moisture is the main reason behind toe nail fungus.
In case of severe pain, consult a dermatologist as soon as you can. Don’t apply creams and lotions on the affected area as they make it grow worse. If you already have toe nail fungus and have to clip your nails, do it very carefully as the nail is at its weakest stage. The nail might crumble and cause severe pain. Keep your nail cutter separate from others as nailfungus can spread through that easily. It is also good to use foot powders as they help the feet to stay dry.
If you have to wear fitted, closed shoes, put them aside to dry them so that there is no moisture left in them. Often, vinegar and olive oil are considered to be the remedies for toe nail fungus. At early stages, use both of these and soak your feet in water.
Follow the above mentioned simple steps and get rid of your toe nail fungus. Stay clean, stay fresh!

How to Take Care of Luxury Shoes

How to Take Care of Luxury Shoes

Having a huge collection of good branded shoes is a luxury by itself. Shoes of all kinds, both casual and luxury shoes, tell a lot about your personality and style. They also need care as your other valuable belongings do. They should be taken care of properly, because your branded luxury shoes can last for years with proper shoe care.

Here are a few tips to take care of your branded luxury shoes. Follow these simple tips of shoe care and your favorite shoes will stay with you for long.
  • Cleaning
Keeping the shoes clean all the time is the most important thing in shoe care. When it comes to cleaning the leather wear, wax could be the best option but you can also use liquid polish. Use a leather conditioner to retain the suppleness of the leather. Always wait for the conditioner to dry before you apply the polish on your shoes.
  • Let them breathe!
Do not put your shoes directly in the wardrobe after use. Keep your shoes out in the air for an hour or two after use, so that any dampness due to sweating can dry out. This is very important for the shoe care of the branded shoes that they must be kept out of any dampness.
  • Wrap them in Plastic
It is advisable that you keep your shoes in the plastic wraps when they are not in use. Especially your branded shoes that are not used daily and are only for the formal wear should be kept in the plastic wraps to keep them safe from dirt.
  • Keep them in a clean closet
Do clean your closet regularly for it is very important to keep your branded shoes safe. If is any dirt or dampness in your closet, it will damage your shoes as well as the other valuable belongings that you have. Any kind of dampness or dirt is very dangerous for the shoe care of luxury shoes.
  • Use of proper products for shoe care
Almost every shoe store has the shoe care products available. Always check which kind of conditioning or polish is required for your shoes keeping in mind their making. Ask for guidance from the store if required. But it is always advisable to use the right product for shoe care in order to keep them in the usable condition for longer period of time.

Comfort and luxury is very important when it comes to collecting good shoes. So do care a lot about your shoes and take good care of them so that they make you feel more comfortable when you wear them.

Hot Wax Negativities For Face

Hot Wax Negativities For Face

One has to be extra cautious of skin care in winter because that is the time when the chilly winds and the dry weather tend to be very harsh towards particularskin typesSkin care tips are the only effective way to prevent your skin from getting damaged or dented.Skin care in winter is a prerequisite to having a glowing healthy skin during the nipping weather of winters.
Hot wax is the easiest way of getting rid of the unwanted hair from your body but it doesn’t come without its negative effects. It has a number of negative effects to its merit, but none of them are long lasting or damaging in the long run. Under skin care tipshot wax is the most effective way of getting rid of the hair from the body and face but one has to be very cautious upon treading on this territory, because if not handled with care, it can result into inflammation, redness, bumps, pimples, bruising and ingrown hair.
Hot wax on face often results in redness and inflammation of the particular skin area exposed to the wax. This is one of the most common reactions to waxing procedure. This is just the skin’s reaction of being exposed to stress and the skin turns to normal within a few minutes. In order to avoid redness, oily skin care recommends the application of oil or powder on the waxed area of the face to cool it down or oily skin care can also be tended by putting up some aloe vera gel on the waxed face area.
Another negative effect of hot wax is the breakout of pimples. This often holds true for the face where after waxing, more often than naught, pimples do break out. They can be treated by cleansing your face with good scrubbing or exfoliating of the face. Also, be sure not to pop the pimple because if you do, it might result into several more pimples. A very common side effect to hot wax is the breakout of bumps which can again be treated by exfoliating the face or by simply putting up a hydrocortisone cream to get rid of the itchiness and redness caused by the bumps.
Hot wax on face often results in burned skin, leads to breakouts and if done regularly and over short span of time, results in loose or lax skin. Therefore, you need to be extra careful while applying hot wax on your face to avoid any discomfiture and unease in the long run.

Beauty tips through nerve relaxation

Beauty tips through nerve relaxation

It is a common saying to always think before you plan to speak something out. It often occurs that we are thinking too much that we often are unable to speak it out at the right time. That too much thinking will only breed anxiety and thus effect out outer as well as innerbeauty adversely. We can always enhance our beautyby making sure to stop thinking too much. OurPakistani beauty tips to help build ways to stop thinking too much can be bifacial for you to move on in life smoothly.
Sometimes it gets hard to even identify when you are thinking too much. It affects our beauty in various ways. Normal headaches, anxiety attacks, forehead lines, wrinkles and such beauty affecting factors are all contributing towards early aging. Thus there are various beauty tips for Pakistanis which tell us how to enhance our beauty in a stressful environment filled with tough life and busy routine.
First beauty tip says to mediate often. You really need to learn how to let go off your thoughts by relaxing your body. This will enhance your beauty by relaxing your face nerves and thus bringing a glow to the calm body. Start imagining that thinking is related to breathing in and out. Like you can hold your breath, you can also put a halt to your unnecessary thoughts which are affecting your beauty. Thus, mediation is quite beneficial in helping anyone getting rid of the stressful thoughts and thus resulting in enhanced beauty.
The next beauty tip asks you to write down your stressful thoughts on a paper. This exercise to enhance beauty proves to be helpful in the long-run. When you write down your thoughts, you let out the anger, stress or extreme thoughts for which you are helpful. This might give immediate relief and if not, your brain cells start working immediately. This brain work can enhance vision and glow of the face. Thus making you look fresh and young as ever by improving your beauty
Following these beauty tips for Pakistani women, there are other ways such as going by the intuition, eating out with friends, shopping and especially exercise can help you divert your attention from thinking too much. Brisk walk and water intake can also burn calories as well as make you sweat and let your skin pores open. This is a good beauty tip as it will make your skin fresh and will not let wrinkles appear before time.

Tips For Winter Eye Makeup

Tips For Winter Eye Makeup

It’s time for you to stand out on those winterglamorous parties. You can do this by focusing on special winter eye makeup. Do not hesitate for anything that you haven’t considered before. You really don’t have to make use of any complex techniques while using colors for winter eye makeup.
Don’t be deceived and you can light up any gloomy room in winter by your exquisite eye makeup.Remember the difficulty level of doing the eye makeupwill be moderate enough. The instructions on the eye makeup are as follows:
You need to make some essentials for you’re a respectable eye makeup in winter.
  • A foundation matching your skin tone
  • Eye makeup primer
  • A brown pencil/liner or even powder
  • Glitter eye pencil
  • Black/brown mascara
  • Eye lash curler
  • Black/brown liquid eye liner
  • False eyelashes (optional)
To begin with the eye makeup, you need to apply foundation and eye makeup primer on the already cleaned, dry and oil-free eye lids. Next, define your eyebrows properly for winter eye makeup. Since you are not going to make a lot of use of color at this stage, a fine eyebrow is essential to give a pretty overall effect to the eye makeup. Fill in sparse areas and remove unnecessary hair form your brows with the help of a powder or a brow pencil.
Apply a creamy glitter pencil on your eyes smoothly of silver color if the complexion is fair or golden for comparatively darker complexions over the eye lids from the lash line to past the wrinkles. Make the glitter even over the eye shape with gently tapping it all over. Get hold of a pencil with flecks that give a fine look for a winter eye makeup. Finally, run the pencil over the lower lash line to get it a defined look.
The next step for winter eye makeup is to define the top lash lines. This can be done in a possible two ways. Women of age prefer using black liquid eyeliner to give a classic touch of glamour on the winter parties. Teenage girls usually prefer glitter liquid eyeliner which will go with the color of their lids. But do consider the density of your product. The distinction between the lash line and the rest of the eye will then be clear enough.
Finally, the optional part is the curling of the eye lashes. This will only enhance your eye makeup in winter. You can apply mascara be it black or brown in color to put on the false eye lashes. The tip is to apply a few coats of mascara before trying to merge the false eye lashes with your very own lashes.

Use Of Sunscreen In Winter

Use Of Sunscreen In Winter

After a long harsh summer each one of us is welcoming the winters with a warm smile on our faces. We love the sun in the winters, and think that it’s cold in winters and we don’t need the sunscreen in winters, but we are wrong. Actually we need it more, when we look at simple facts we say that sunscreen in winter is definitely a necessity. The sun is closer to the earth in winters and its rays are even stronger.
It’s true that since in winters you have a layer of clothes on and only your face and hands are exposed to theharmful rays of sun, but it is recommended by the dermatologists to wear sunscreen in winters and all year-round.
During winters and summers we have to make the right choice of sunscreen, it is important to use asunscreen that protects from brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles on hands and face. The important cosmetic tip for winters would be to use a sunscreen in winters that protects you from UVA and UVB rays, since both of these rays cause the skin to show signs of sunburn. The skin even starts to age, so it is important to protect the skin from these rays.
Sunscreen in winters is important; apply the sunscreen inside and outside. While you work in kitchen even the heat from the stove can damage your skin and when the sun rays penetrate from the windows they damage the skin and cause it to age.
When it comes to the cosmetics tips in winter we would suggest that the ladies use the cosmetics they love, the product that make them feel like a princess. The product they think is worth it. Ladies don’t hesitate to pay a little more for asunscreen in winters that won’t clog your pores and doesn’t absorb quickly. The sunscreen in winter has to have the appropriate amount of moisture so that it works perfectly for the purpose it is used.
Yes another cosmetic tip for winter would be to make sure you apply sunscreen while you go out in the snow because the snow reflects 80 percent of the ultraviolet rays. Even if you have travelling plans make sure you carry a bottle ofsunscreen with you to feel protected and beautiful always.